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What Type of Vacuum Cleaner is Best vacuum cleaner?

A vacuum cleaner is the most effective of cleaning tools; it can also be the more expensive. There are many different types of vacuum with many different features. So before you buy a top rated vacuum cleaner make sure you know what type of vacuum cleaner is best for your needs. Choosing the best vacuum cleaner can be confusing. To help make things clearer you should know what the different types of vacuum are, what the main features you can find on a vacuum cleaner, and want you type of flooring you will be using a vacuum cleaner on. There are two main types of vacuum cleaner: upright and cylinder. Both offer advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding if you should by a canister or upright, you should ask yourself a few questions. The following guidelines will help you find the answer. Upright vacuum cleaners are heavier than cylinder vacuums. An upright vacuum cleaner can be more difficult to manoeuvre and less suited to cleaning small gaps and spaces. If weight is a

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